Monday, August 29, 2011

The Longest Lunch of Your Life

Its the first day of sixth grade. Not only is it completely intimidating that you are back to being the youngest, which places you at bottom of the pool but it completely contrasts to being the big turf that you were in 5th grade where you felt that you ruled the school. To make things worse, you're back to not knowing anyone; which is why lunch was one of the most terrifying and daunting places to be.  Lunch defined who you were and who you were going to be for the next 3 years of your life; and you had one chance, thats it. Once chance to determine- are you going to be in the popular crowd? You walk in and its as if all the sudden, 200 eyeballs are looking in your direction.  Your mind starts racing, "is my hair alright.. i hope i don't there a booger coming out of my nose?"  You have to stop and remind yourself that you can do this, everyone is in the same boat as you. There are kids who are already sitting and you think to yourself, their moms must love them more since they got a packed lunch.  Then your eyes drift back to look over at the lunch line, its horrifyingly long, it looks like its never-ending. But  eventually, you get to the back of the line. It feels like hours, days, weeks passing before you finally get to the front. "We only have sloppy Joes left" comes out the mouth a big, hairy woman. You didn't even hear what she said because all you can stare at is that mole on her chin; it has one long, lanky strand of hair and you think to yourself, ew.  Finally you've gotten your food, it felt like forever but its not over yet. No, not even close, the hard part is still to come.  You scan the room, concentrating more then you did just 20 minutes earlier in your math class.  Fear overcomes all emotions, as it is time to choose where you're going to be sitting. The pressure is enough to make your head explode and you feel like curling up in a ball and just dying. You know better then to sit on your own, i mean, everyone can make friends. You have to be a super freak if there is not one person who will sit by you. But you know thats not you, so you continue to graze over all the faces. Spotted across the room you see a group of kids laughing...well, everyone likes to laugh, right? So you head over that direction. You place your tray on the table, "Can i sit here?" Your heart stops as they all look up to see the face to match the voice. "Yea of course," one girl says and suddenly i can breath again, "whats your name?" Wow, what a relief; that was way easier then you had imagined.

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