Thursday, September 8, 2011

Memoir Analysis: My Addicted Son

My Addicted Son is a touching story about a father who is absolutely helpless in destroying his sons drug abuse. His son Nick, the one who is self destructing himself with drugs, struggles through his life starting at the age of 4, where his parents underwent a terrible divorce, which is known to mentally disturb a child. However, the events that occur after, as explained, start at a later age.
The story begins with Nick returning from college. Everything seems okay at this point as he plays with his younger siblings and read them goodnight.  His first morning of being home, he is "vibrating like an idling car" and that's how his mother first comes to realize that he is abusing again. His taste in music that he is listening to in the memoir only implies that his role models may not be the best to have influence you as they all are or previously were drug users. The story unfolds to explain that actually, Nick has been searching for methamphetamine his entire life. It begins by telling you that he has always been a unique character, dressing differently to the other children through most of his elementary school days, even though he was made fun of.  To me, that part of the memoir didn't fit right, most people who from a young age and are wanting to stand out shows characteristics of a natural born leader; however, not in this case.  Similarly, the topic of drugs was not untouched in his family, his dad had warned him about the addictiveness and destructiveness of drugs; advice that should have been taken in strongly due to his father knowing from experience.  However, Nicks drug use started from a young age, 12 when he was first caught with marijuana.  After similar problems occured, Nick was given a second chance to become clean and set his life path in the right direction. His teacher, walked with him through this, dedicating a lot of time towards Nick, doing activities such as surfing.  At the age of 16, he was skipping school and tardy when he did want to show up so his parents thought to seek a therapist who told them it was just an adolescent stage.  Just a few weeks later Nick was arrested for missing a court meeting which he informed no one of. The memoir continues in such a manner; Nick in and out of rehab primarily his entire life. Drugs had taken over and he was a slave to them. No matter how many times he tried to detox the demons out, he would always wind up in living hell over and over again. Unfortunately, Nick at the time did not realize the damage being done, not only to himself, but to all his family around him. Throughout the memoir, Nicks father, the author continues to blame himself; persistently allowing the thought of his son abusing drugs eat at him, wondering what more he could of done to stop this. Maybe taken the signs at an early stage more seriously rather then thinking it was just a phase. Luckily for Nick though, he had a family who loved him despite his addictions and a family that would always be there for him, spending their time and money devoted to his well being and health; bailing him from jail, sending him to rehab multiple times. He didn't realize how fortunate he was to have this as so many lives are lost to overdosing and he could of been next. His parents really did play a vital role in his surviving and currently, Nick is sober and doing well.
I feel the intended audience of this story is for teenagers and parents. I say this because, it teaches teenagers just how easily it is to become addicted to drugs and just how difficult it is to get off them. And for the parents, because it shows them to not give up hope if your child is addicted.  The author uses ages to tell where we are in time, which is extremely effective. It walked us through the life story of his addicted son.

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