Friday, October 14, 2011

Do illegal immigrants now have equal rights?

Immigration has been a relatively dead issue for a good while until recently when OP field’s most controversial candidates, Texas Gov. Rick Perry brought it back into the headlines. perry has a extremely good background knowledge on immigration because he runs a state with a 1,200-mile border with Mexico. Perrys main concern, and the issue that i am going to be evaluating, is the fact that he feels immigrants should pay in-state tuition at public colleges and universities in Texas. The reason i find merit in writing this evaluation is because it has brought forth a lot of controversy amongst civilians.
The issue here is,   he supports education for illegal immigrants because 'he has a heart' and the children have been brought to this country "by no fault of their own". However, there has been heated back-and-forth between him and his rivals. Republican front-runner Mitt Romney continued to fan the flames of the issue, arguing that it made no sense to give illegal immigrants a discount of nearly $100,000 to attend Texas state schools.  As i am currently paying out of state tuition to attend Penn State University, its hard to side with perry as I have been a loyal citizen to America my whole life and now I am going to pay more for an education then someone who is in America legally. However, I see where he is coming from- being brought over as a youth, is really not their fault but as Romney stated, it doesn't mean you don't have a heart, but you still need to use your brain too.  There is not much to be done about illegal immigration, the idea of building a fence along the border is too extreme but giving them in state tuition is almost completely accepting and almost rewarding the fact they came here illegally.  The dabate continues, some people agree with Perry: "Daniel Griswold, an immigration expert at Cato Institute, writes, "In l997, the National Research Council published a major study on immigration. It found that an immigrant with a college education is a huge net plus for the United States."- So therefore, giving the immigrants a chance to educate themselves would be beneficial in the long run for America- "Immigrants and their descendants represent a net fiscal gain for the United States. The typical immigrant and all of his or her descendants represent a positive $80,000 fiscal gain to the government. An immigrant with more than a high school education (plus descendants) represents a $198,000 fiscal gain, one with a high school diploma a $51,000 gain, and one with less than a high school education a $13,000 loss." As the fence could not be built logically, another often heard suggestion is to have ICE find and deport all illegal immigrants- would this be beneficial to America? Is that even a possible solution as there are 12 million such immigrants in America.
The immigration problem is withstanding and causing many issues amongst citizens of America.

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