Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Simple vs Complex

In my blog, i always use a title that relates to the topic i am trying to discuss. It is always visible to the reader and I make the title short, concise and to the point.  I like to use a conversational tone when writing my blogs as they are normally my point of view on things, therefore i write as i would say and also because its easy for the reader to read.  I feel writing this way helps me express who I am as a writer because all my thoughts are just getting put down in the blog; i don't feel like i have to edit things to make it sound  appropriate for another audience. Originally, i was new to the blog and therefore i just chose a set layout already made by the website.  I chose the one I did as it related to the first book we read in class, Bird by Bird.  It had neutral tones and colors as, i felt that was the vibe of my blog. 
There are also other elements in the NFG that I use when writing my blogs. One of these elements is changing the tone to cooperate with the context of what I am saying.  This persuades people to trust my writing more then if i were to write in a tone not relating to the context.  Also mentioned in NFG, i don't stray off from the topic originally discussing, i stay in focus and on point which keeps my reader attentive and knowing what the point of my writing is. 
Personally, after reading what is 'correct' for a blog, I feel that my original layout and design was on par and that i do not need to really edit anything. My headings are clear, related and foreshadow what is to come in the rest of my blog. I chose the color red to make it stand out. The background colors (brown, white, black and red) are neutral and easy to look at; they all mesh well nicely.  I didn't chose to have any pictures as i felt that would crowd my blog and I also just want people to concentrate on what i had to say, rather then other things. Everything on my blog is relatable, as the birds in the corner represent Bird by Bird.  The simple layout emphasizes what i write, rather then the background.  For example, movies that are all based around special effects and visuals, normally have a bleak plot line.  Whereas, i have a concrete layout to try and make readers focus on the importance of what is being written. 

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