Thursday, September 22, 2011

#1 party school

The main issue of the broadcast entitled #1 party school is the destructiveness of drinking alcohol and how it not only effects the students of Penn State but also the civilians that live in State College.  The first reason this issue is being investigated is due to getting ranked the number one party school as well as the rising rates of violations and the increase in arrests of Penn State students. The rising rate inclined at such a vast pace that the President of the college, is planning on getting involved to stop this climb. I feel the intended audience of this piece is primarily for the students at Penn State; as we are the ones making these violations and committing these crimes described in the broadcast.  However, this broadcast could also be used as as warning to civilians around, making them aware of what goes on and what they can do to help. Specific details were given in the story to emphasize the main point. Such details include an interview with a Penn State senior. He spoke of how he had to leave his fraternity at the end of his sophmore year due to his failing grades. They would party 4 days out of the week and would even casually drink on Mondays and Tuesdays resulting in bad grades. The senior said it was not what he came here for; he came to learn and get a good education- being in frat life was preventing this. Another detail used was they spoke to a local resident who's house is in between 2 frats. He said that because of the immoral actions that have been going on his property he had to put up motion sensors. Motion sensors helped him keep his property in order.  Another example they used was through an interview with a canyon pizza delivery boy. He said that on many accounts he has altercations with drunk people either outside of canyon pizza or making an actual delivery. On one specific occasion, he actually got in a fight at a apartment door and got his jaw broken. The conclusion of the broadcast ended with an interview with Penn State president Graham Spanier. He spoke about the issue of drinking on and off campus; if people continue in this manner, he is going to take action and up the penalties. In this broadcast, they did a series of interviews; with freshman girls on the blue loop, police officers, an ex frat guy, actual frat guys, liquor store owners and civilians.  The main narrative technique used was dialogue as they were talking the entire time but also interviews.  They also used ethos by conducting interviews with people whom expressed themselves either positively or negatively. 
Personally I did not like the broadcast. From personal experience and my own general knowledge of being at Penn State, i know that it was all an exaggerated series of events that occurred that normally do not happen all in one night. I felt it was unfair and bias; due to the bad decisions of some does not mean you can entitle the entire school. With having 40,000 people at a school, there are bound to be a small (and yes, looking at the entire school it is small) percentage of kids making bad decisions but that should not effect the kids who do not make these decisions. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this, Ali! While I do like the broadcast, I do agree that it feels exaggerated in many ways and I know that students often feel offended by the piece because it's not a true representation of the MAJORITY of students here, but rather, a decent sized minority. Let's talk about what the producers could have done to make the story more even on Monday!
